
80 Years of AA in Australia Cruise 2025 — 6 Comments

  1. I have lived in North Queensland since 1989, and Townsville since May 1990, besides being a long term member of AA, I was a commercial Fisherman for 15 years, from 1978-1993 in NSW and Qld.
    Personally I wouldn’t book a trip on any sort of Passenger ship in the first 4 months of the year in Queensland waters more than 7 days in advance as this is peak cyclone season

    • G’day Joe,
      Thank you for your well informed comments. The PO Line have in fine print in the booking itineraries that if unforeseen circumstances arise have the right to change the destination. IE they may sail south.
      Yours in service
      Ron J(Admin)

    • G’day Lisa, you would have to contact people in charge of the bookings. Their contact numbers are at the bottom of the flyer, we post the flyers but have nothing to do with bookings.
      Yours in service
      Ron J (Admin)

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