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Comments — 81 Comments


    I enjoy your this year Rally at Morven and had great weekend, plus a good food
    From Kev from Brisbane

  2. sadly due to a medical emergency last weekend, i will not do any of the tag this year, had i been in the bush, i may not have survived, so hopefully my confidence will return for next year

  3. 2022 Miracles Greeting The New Year.

    The rain gods looked after us once again. Rain before and after , but not during.
    We had a good rollup. It was pleasing to see so many newer members enjoying the day.
    I would like to thank all who came and the ones who passed the message that the day was on.
    Keep coming back.
    Yours in Service.

  4. It is with Great sadness we hear of the passing of Lyn from Foster. Deepest Condolences to her family and friends. What a privilege to have known this beautiful lady. An inspiration to us all. R.I.P Beautiful girl. Peter and Rhonda , Cooloola Cove.

  5. Hi Ron..We have had a problem with our motorHome and some parts need to come from Italy. It looks as if we will miss the start of the Tag A Long – however hopeful imtenting joining up latter along the road.

    • G’day Bob,
      sorry to hear about the Motor Home problems, hope you are able to overcome reasonabley quick so you can join the tag.
      Ron J (Admin)

  6. G’day All,
    On behalf of the Tag-a-long committee we would like to say a big thank you to all those who made the journey and helped to make this Tag as good as it was, there is no doubt that the sharing and fellowship was as good as you could get. There was also a wonderful response from the proffesional community in three of the towns we went through.
    All of the groups that we supported along the route expressed a desire to have us back again which will happen in the future, all the feedback has been very positive.
    Ron J

  7. This may be a AA Tag-a-long, but as a AL-anon member i was grateful to be able to make time for some al-anon members in the bush. It was a great tag-a-long with 72 in Mitchell Tuesday night for Dinner. I was glad o see a lot of new members and old. I was glad to see members pop in tag-a-long as the could. I had a grewat time of fellowship,

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