
Lightning Ridge Rally 2024 — 3 Comments

  1. whilst I have known people to get lifts along the tag, you seriously put your life on the line, if you are low on funds and have no transportation of your own. the ridge is the start of the tagalong, if you fall out with your lift provider, you could be stranded in the middle of nowhere with no food,money, no phone coverage, and in June July it can get to several degrees of frost.
    Some people travel in a group, personally i travel alone, i have been sober a very long time, and my personal recommendation is don’t do it if you can’t be independent, it is a great experience, to be in the bush having a meeting with like minded people, with your own independence, and your own camp, good luck

  2. I am Mark G and I’m an alcoholic. Is there anyone from the gold coast going to lightning ridge rally that I could get a lift with. I live in Nerang.

    • G’day Mark there are usually people who come from the Gold Coast to the Ridge. Personally I don’t know of any names to help you, the only thing I can suggest is to ask around the groups in your area.
      Yours in service
      Ron J(Admin)

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